Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Hello? Jessica? Still alive? Yes. I am still here. School keeps me busy. I wake up early to go to school, get home and I am wiped out. Too tired to do anything constructive. Sorry world for the wait.

But, what I would like to approach today is something we talked about in Psychology. Emotions we feel now, or in the past, that we just kept to ourselves and not talk about, only move to the state of unconciousness. Which means they are still there, you are just unaware of them. These feelings oftentimes come back to haunt you later on. Go figure? Ten years from now, you might be emotional about something. And not know what. Therefore, you may need to go to a psychologist to fully talk things out. My point? Guys AND girls, talk about your feelings when they happen. It's not good to keep things to yourself. It will come back and bite you in the ass.


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