Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Reason.

So, the basis of this blog from now on is to update the world on my path to becoming an actress. And of course, when I feel so strongly about something that I must blog about it.

Today, went to visit Schwartz and I completely miss the Theater scene. But we had quite the discussion about my future. And I must say, I am very excited. I need to figure out a way to take the Theater course at Ohlone, rather than De Anza. I have just subscribed to a private mailing list on Bay Area auditions, cast calls, etc. And now I have two transfer choices: UC Irvine and SF State. I am definitely leaning towards Irvine, for Communications and Theater(minor, still negotiable).

I also have two shoots lined up. They are still not 100% booked. But most likely, yes.

As for how the acting industry is so competitive, people will often put me down and get me to a low point. They will say the most horrific things, a tactic so they can get ahead in the field. I've always been one to not care what others think. And when people nowadays, in the past, and most likely in the future talk about me in a negative manner, I will not let it phase me. Because I know the things those people say are just... "juvenile bullshit". And the real thing will be much more difficult to get over. It's a pity that people just can't live and let live. That's the game of life I suppose, and the role people play. They are obstacles. A means to an end. The "juvenile bullshit" is just practice for me to deal with the real world criticism. Unlike others, I don't take criticism harshly, and criticize back. I take it and work towards making a better ME. That's what makes me different from the scene. How are you different?

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