Knowledge is power. Whatever they say about power being monetary I redeem false. For example, kings, presidents, and the emperor have all been seen as powerful beings. But the mind behind these representatives, which includes any council or advisor, is the one that controls the figures. This concept is also seen in slavery. Frederick Douglass was a slave that mentally emancipated himself from his white master. Preventing the slaves from ever learning how to read or write gave the slave-owners ultimate power of them. Douglass taught himself how to read and write, and thus later became one of the biggest figures in the abolitionist movement. As a country, we are majority a very literate one and it is insane to think how much that privilege is taken for granted. We do not understand the power it holds within. But instead, choose to reduce the wonderfully exquisite vocabulary into mere syllables and abbreviations. Our generation is by far the absolute worst I have ever seen and heard of. And as much as it is my complete displeasure of living during this time, I am still compelled to make the best of it. I do see hope in some of the people of whom I have had the pleasure of having some kind of intercourse* with.

A spin-off to the topic prior: the words we use, or are available to us, or are for our usage, controls our thoughts. We do not think in pictures, or colors, or numbers for that matter. Our thoughts are in words. The more limited our vocabulary, the more limited our thoughts will range. Think about it, whilst I decide not to dwell on this subject any further.
Now to add some philosophical questions to this oh so very insightful blog: Who are we? What makes us "us"? Are we who we want to be? Who we should be? Or are we just an accumulation of all of our actions? I believe that who we are is the person we are being at any given time. The person we are consists of so many different criterias in which all of those options combined could be the only legitimate resolution. We are everything that involves any part of the person we are. Perhaps it is this belief that allows me to be so accepting of any given person. I embrace that which makes an individual individual.
* Get your minds out of the gutter! I am speaking of social intercourse. Not sexual. Grab a dictionary.
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