Thursday, January 1, 2009

My first post in the year of 2009. Overall, 2008 has been filled with incredible downs. But all of which valuable lessons were derived from. It is quite interesting to know that there is such a big fuss on the new calendar year when really, your birthday is the new year's we should all be emphasizing. But I suppose this just gives us young adults another excuse to party 'til we drop and get fucked up to the beginning of a new time.

I give up on resolutions. It only works for the first few months and then one mistake happens, and I just give up on it. This year will be filled with everything that I have been doing with more emphasis. Perhaps it takes the mentality of a "new year" for us to push ourselves to change things for the better. In that case, this holiday is a bit more appreciated in my book.

Therefore, for the year of 2009, my main focus shall be: myself. Have a great year everyone, and may this year be the best one yet.

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