As for something to be excited about sooner, the first half of tomorrow I am taking myself to see I Am My Own Wife*, a one man show playing 30 different characters at the San Jose Stage Theatre. Expect a review tomorrow night. This is for my theatre appreciation class of course, but since it is required I might as well use it as my monthly show.

I am considering another tattoo. A small one on my hand/wrist. Whoever said once you get your first tattoo you'll just want more and more is correct. Tattoos are an addiction. But it has such a negative stigma upon itself when it's just a work of art. I have a feeling if I can somehow convince my mom to let me get it beyond all miracles, it would be something I would regret later in life. For now, it is just a thought in the back of my mind. To the right is a picture of one of my favorite cherry blossom tattoos found on an image hosting site.
Trying to unlock the areas in your mind that majority of the world have never attempted is difficult. What I am doing now is working on my memory and controlling cravings. First step: Food. Once I can do that, I might start doing something addictive for a month like smoking and quit. No, this is not an excuse to smoke. I just really want to test myself and my head to see if I am mentally capable of overcoming addictions. The mind is such a magnificent thing often overlooked. The way I see it, the more you unlock it, the more about yourself you will discover and the more control over your life you will have. It's The Secret.
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