Thursday, February 26, 2009

My ever-so-trust worthy Bay Area Theatre Bums digest had an audition announcement for A Midsummer Night's Dream in San Jose. It is definitely a production I am interested in. But I am not sure if I want to audition for the reason of being unprepared for one. Perhaps I can just audition to be a fairy, just so that I can be a part of the theatre again and to see the workings of a professional production. Oh how I do miss being on stage. 

As a side note, here's a list of monologues I am in the process of memorizing and perfecting for future auditions:

Classical, Comic - The Misanthrope by Moliere
Classical, Dramatic - The Prince of Parthia by Thomas Godfrey
Classical Dramatic - Sudden Light by Dante Gabriel Rossetti
Contemporary Dramatic - Dear Chuck by Jonathan Dorf
Contemporary Seriocomic - Drinking and Driving by David Epstein
Contemporary Dramatic - Imagine This by Alexander Speer
Contemporary Comic - And Now a Word From Our Sponsor by Clinton A. Johnson

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