Monday, September 8, 2008


I have realized what I want to do. What I want to pursue. I want to act. Yes. I want to become a famous actress. Acting.. is much more to me than any person can imagine. I have such a passion for it. I know that it has only been a little less than a year since I have begun this passion of mine, but I have never felt more... alive.

This is what acting means to me:
It's not about ... looking into your past experiences to pull up the emotion a character you play will feel. It's not about pretending to be someone you are not. It's about believing. Believing that you really ARE that character. The emotion you see from actors is real. Real to the extent that they believe they are that character of which they "pretend" to be.

When I get into it... I create that character. I make her have a past. A present. A future. I get so into that character's life that I start to believe it is my own. Perhaps, I love acting because I can believe I live another life. Sometimes, the life you lead can be distressful. Wouldn't you like to leave that life for a few hours and really be in some one else's shoes? I do that. And... I'm pretty good at it.I'm just starting to get the hang of this thing. But I know, because when I am on stage, that it is the right thing for me to do. There is no other feeling than being onstage. In front of the lights, camera, action. The croud, the cheers, the laughs, the tears. Everything about theater exhilarates me.

So world... watch me. I, Jessica Do, will shine brighter than you can imagine.

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