Sunday, November 2, 2008

I am taking a break from studying to discuss two things: the English language and sex.

We are blessed to have such a wide variety of words to express our thoughts and emotions. But the average English-speaking human uses only a small percentage of that. It is a pity. There are so many other languages in the world with a limited vocabulary. And here we are using about 1/100th of ours.* I have decided to add a "word-of-the-day" part to all my blog entries. The challenge is to try to use it in a sentence during the 24 hours after you have read it. Do you accept?

As for sex, who would deny that they enjoy the act? But what was meant for procreation is now recreation to the modern person. Though some may feel that sex is just a sport (in fact, the word "sport" was often used to mean sex during the Elizabethan period) I feel quite differently. It does not matter how many times you do it, how you do it, or even where. But it is who you do it with. Sex is the act of bringing two people together, the closest possible. It should be cherished. Since when did the act of love-making turn into fucking? I find it dirty and despicable. I just wish people took it more seriously. I still find it sacred and beautiful. And I intend to keep it that way within myself and significant other.

* My own approximation, thus not accurate.

Word of the Day:
addle \AD-'l\, verb:
1. to make or become muddled or confused
2. to make or become rotten or putrid

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