Saturday, November 1, 2008

If you have not realized, I've been posting a lot about random thoughts in my head. Not so much my acting career. It's been at a standstill lately. There have not been any auditions near by. I think that I need to take some more acting classes first. That might help.

For now, I would like to discuss something mentioned in Psychology class the other day: Arousal. No, get your minds out of the gutter and stop thinking about sex. I'm talking about thrill. Ever wondered why we like to watch scary movies? Why we go to theme parks such as Great America and Six Flags? For the thrill, of course. That shock, the feeling of your stomach dropping, not completely knowing if you'll make it out of the ride alive. We love the thrill. We love putting our lives on the line, thinking we will get out of it alive. You probably did not know that thrill is actually essential to our well being. It keeps our body performance at the top of it's game. That's why we are so willing to pay 20-45$ to use their life-threatening roller coasters.

I want to make it my life's mission to make the most use of my mind. Learning compels me. Though it may not show through my work and grades as much as I would like, but I love learning new things. Useful things. Random facts. People's stories. All of these are of my utmost interest. I want to train my mind to break addictions, and learn to handle pain. There is so much I want to do.

Oh! I am currently re-reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince for the movie premiere extravaganza. I am tingling with excitement.

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