Sunday, November 16, 2008

There have not been any updates on my career thus far. And I apologize for my lack of effort. However, classes will be taken during the winter. I really want to go watch the adaptation of Wicked in San Francisco. Also, Milpitas High School play next week. I am definitely showing up to that. Care to join?

I do not like how some qualities are "masculine" or "feminine". Why can't they strip characteristics of their social acceptance and just be qualities? What if Brad Pitt liked the color pink? Or Channing Tatum enjoyed synchronized swimming? How about T.I. appreciating under-water basket weaving? Will they be ridiculed for these "feminine" qualities? I don't think so. Famous people have so much power. I just wish they saw that, and use it to make the world a better place. I vow to do just that when I become famous. If I could reach out to that many people, I would take advantage of that. I would change the world.

Word of the Day:
Pronunciation [kon-kyoo-pi-suhnt, kong-] –adjective
1. lustful or sensual.
2. eagerly desirous.

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