Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's Christmas time! But let's do a quick update. I decided to not go to the Vagina Monologues audition because I felt like I needed to take classes first. I need to get back into theater mode. Which, luckily, I successfully snagged the very last open seat in the class at De Anza. For now, I suppose I just want to enjoy my days on earth with people that I truly care about. This is break time for me.

I did some shopping for presents today, finally. My funds are back on track; though I still need to settle this other financial dispute. Which in time, will be resolved so I'm not too worried. No Christmas tree this year, nor any remote decorations. It's fine though, I'll be in Vegas for Christmas anyways. (=

* Sometimes, when you work so hard for something that never comes when you want it, you let it go. Then there's some times when it decides to come after it's been let go of, but you don't want it anymore. It's just not the same. You're not the same. Then all you can do is apologize to it, and hope that it understands. This is what you want. Whether it may end up good or bad, it's still the right decision to make for yourself. And you would not want it any other way.

Oh, & I'm not going to lose.

By the way, WELCOME BACK friends from far away. I cannot wait to see you all and catch up on things. I LOVE YOU GUYS!

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