Friday, September 5, 2008

R.I.P. Archie Zulueta

Went to the football game and saw a lot of people! It was so nice seeing everyone there... Co-workers, high school alumni, current students, teachers. I'd have to admit, the only thing I miss are the people. I am so glad to be out of there.

I love visiting though. Its a better place to be when you don't actually have to be there for school. The years went by so fast. And now look where we are. Graduated, going into college, finally beginning to learn what real independence is. That's what's really.

I am excited to start. Start college. Start talking to cutie *cross my fingers that will happen*. Start going on my own. Holding my own. Becoming the best of me. It's all about me now. Self-love. Right Janet? My top priority is myself. I live my life for me. Nobody else. It truly is time for me to shine.

Like I told KevinChung earlier:
"I shine so bright that I make it daylight during the night."

Oh! And I also recommend this book to every "nice" girl. You will be surprised at how much we don't know about love. And men.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Haha, yeah, I'm gonna have to read that book. I love you!