Friday, October 31, 2008

One of the hardest things for me to do is accept other people's opinion on things. Not just any thing though, controversial, political things. Like Prop 8. Yesterday, I found myself in a heated conversation with a few of my friends about our standing on that particular proposition. I was shocked to hear what they had to say. Thus, I became upset and did not talk for a long time to calm myself down. There are just some particular subjects that I feel strongly about.

I just thought it was interesting how difficult it was to accept other people's thoughts. Every individual person has their own idea of what is right and what is wrong. To one person, something that is right is wrong to another. Thus, people get into arguments until one side convinces the other side otherwise. That's the beauty of controversy. The glory of debate.

But anyways, Happy Halloween everyone ! Those of you on the way to SB, stay safe. Be safe. Use protection always.

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