Tuesday, January 6, 2009

First day of my theatre class. Seeing all of these faces that are interested in the same subject I am made me realize that any person can be an actor/theatre major. I looked at all of these different faces around me, thinking they couldn't seriously want to pursue an acting career. Then caught myself in a judgmental situation, realizing that that might be how many people see me as well. Point is, in a field that is so extraordinarily competitive, I must keep my mentality strong to beat down my peer's negative thoughts on what I want to do with my life.

I am highly considering transferring to Foothill for Fall Quarter to get involved with their theatre program. That program roughly consists of classes from 1pm-6pm Monday through Friday which leaves my other courses only the morning time to be taken. The program also puts on their own productions which the students act out. This plan is tentative though. There are many roads that lead to the destination I am heading for. I need to choose the road that is best and works out the most for my personal goals. Which road that is, I am still unsure of. But I will find it. And I will end up where I want to be eventually.

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